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Which blinds are best for bedrooms?

We all know that sleep is absolutely vital for our health, productivity and happiness. 40% of Australians aren’t getting the recommended 7 to 9 hours of sleep a night. A number of factors play into this, including the blue light produced by our electronics, rising overtime demands from workplaces and poor diets. However, one factor you might not have considered is lighting. Most people struggle to sleep in spaces that aren’t completely dark, so if you’re looking for a better night’s sleep, it’s worth considering how your blinds affect that. Here is a list of the best blinds for your bedroom:

1. Blockout Blinds

Blockout blinds are a classic choice for the bedroom. The fabric blocks 100% of the light from coming through, providing a wonderfully dark space that improves sleep depth, length and quality. As well as this, studies have shown that people sleep better in a cool, but not cold, space. Blockout blinds provide great insulation and will keep the chill out during winter, as well as prevent heat transfer into your house during those sweltering summer nights. Blockout blinds have been around for a long time but they remain a popular choice because they’re just so effective!

2. Duo Roller Blinds

Some people find the ‘all-or-nothing’ nature of blockout blinds to be a drawback. In this case, linked roller blinds are an excellent option. These blinds have two layers, one blockout and one with more transparency. The benefit of this is you have greater control over how much light enters your space. Some people like a small amount of light only in the mornings, in which case you can pull down the blockout blinds almost all of the way and the transparent shade over the top, providing almost total darkness at night and a little light in the mornings.

We also offer linked roller blinds for wide windows, which are connected together and prevent the frustrating gaps of sunlight that can so often happen with larger windows. Along with more consistent lighting control, there is also the added benefit of fewer cords to open and close the blinds, which can save you a lot of time and hassle.

3. Motorised Blinds

For even more control, consider investing in a motorised blind system. The price of these is continuing to drop and the technology is only increasing, making now a great time to make the switch. Many of these systems allow you to select times when you would like the blinds to raise or lower, meaning you can time the blinds to open when your alarm goes off in the morning. There’s nothing quite like waking with the sun, but on your own schedule!

4. Roman Blinds

Roman blinds are another great option, providing full coverage of the window and a stylish silhouette whether open or closed. Because the blinds fold over timber battens, there is less bulk at the top of the window as compared to some other styles. Here at Windsor Blinds, we don’t sew through the fabric, which removes the light pinholes that can sometimes happen and are very distracting, especially with blackout curtains. So now you know which blinds are at the top of the list for your bedroom, whether you’re a champion snoozer or looking to improve. Windsor Blinds have been providing customers in the Cardiff, NSW area with quality blind solutions for over 70 years, so you know you’re in good hands. For a quote, measurements or to discuss your vision with our expert team, get in touch today.