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The Proper Way to Clean Blinds

The cleaning process can often seem daunting when it comes to maintaining the aesthetic appeal and longevity of blinds. Whether it’s dust accumulation or the occasional spill, blinds require regular care to ensure they remain as vibrant and functional as the day they were installed. However, not all cleaning methods are created equal. With the vast array of materials used in blinds today, from classic wood to modern synthetic fabrics, finding the right cleaning solution is paramount. In this blog, we’ll delve into professional recommendations for choosing the right cleaning agents, establish a cleaning schedule tailored to different types of blinds, explore expert techniques for deep cleaning and offer practical maintenance tips for upkeep between professional services.

Choosing the Right Cleaning Agents

Non-abrasive Solutions:

  • Opt for gentle, chemical-free cleaners to avoid damaging the blinds’ surface.
  • Distilled water mixed with a mild detergent
  • Vinegar solution (one part vinegar to three parts water) for effective, natural cleaning
  • Specialised cleaning products designed for the specific material of your blinds
Experts in manufacturing and installing high-quality custom blinds always advise performing a spot test on a hidden area first to confirm that the cleaning solution does not harm the material.

The Professional's Schedule: How Often Should Blinds Be Cleaned?

Maintaining a regular cleaning schedule for your blinds enhances their appearance and contributes to their durability. The recommended frequency varies based on material and environmental factors:

Fabric Blinds

  • Weekly: Light dusting
  • Monthly: Vacuum with a brush attachment
  • Annually: Professional deep clean

Wooden Blinds

  • Weekly: Dusting with a soft cloth
  • Monthly: Clean with a wood-specific cleaner
  • Bi-Annually: Check for any signs of wear or damage
Environmental conditions such as humidity, exposure to sunlight and proximity to the ocean can necessitate more frequent cleaning.

Expert Techniques for Deep Cleaning

Deep cleaning blinds extend beyond the removal of surface dust and tackle ingrained dirt and stains. This process, best handled by professionals, involves:
  • Ultrasonic Cleaning: Utilising high-frequency sound waves to remove dirt from the most intricate parts of the blinds. This method is highly effective for all types of blinds, ensuring a thorough cleaning without the risk of damage.
  • Steam Cleaning: A gentle yet powerful technique for fabric blinds, removing dust mites and allergens. The benefits of professional handling include a deeper, cleaner and more careful inspection of your blinds for any potential issues, ensuring they remain in prime condition.

Maintenance Tips Between Professional Cleanings

Between professional cleanings, simple maintenance can go a long way in preserving the condition of your blinds:
  • Regular dusting with a microfiber cloth or duster: Captures dust efficiently, keeping blinds cleaner.
  • Promptly address spills and stains: Blot gently with a damp cloth to avoid setting stains.
  • Rotate blinds for even sunlight exposure: Balances wear and prevent uneven fading.
  • Avoid water on wooden blinds: Use a barely damp cloth and dry immediately to prevent warping.

Book Your Professional Blinds Cleaning in Newcastle Today!

At Windsor Blinds Awnings Shutters, we understand the importance of maintaining the beauty and functionality of your blinds. We are committed to providing the highest quality blinds and the knowledge and services necessary to keep them in pristine condition. Whether you need advice on the best cleaning methods or professional blinds and shutters cleaning services in Newcastle, get in touch with us. Let us help you keep your blinds looking their best, enhancing your home’s aesthetics.